Edward & Francis Basgall

The Frances Herrman & Edward Basgall Story
    Edward Joseph was born to John W. and Mary (Degenhardt) Basgall on Mar 2, 1945 in rural Rush County. He was the 7th of eight children. Grandpa had 3 brothers and 4 sisters.

                   Back Row: Jerome, Hilda, Cleopha, William, Sylvanus, Alice
                 Front Row: John W. Edward, JoAnna, Mary (Degenhardt) Basgall

Frances Elizabeth was born to John L. and Katherine (Weber) on Nov 4, 1923 in rural Rush County. She was the 7th of nine children. She had three sisters and five brothers.

            Back row: Louise, Isabelle, Jim, Harry, Felix, Hilda, and JoAnna
         Front row: Frances, John L., Katherine, and Lorene

    The home that Frances lived with her family. This photo of the house on the farm appears to be the same as the one in Liebenthal. We believe they must have moved it from the farm, but not sure when.

Edward Basgall in his younger days.

Frances Herrman in her younger days.

Courtship Days

     Before Frances was married she lived in Hays and worked for a dry cleaning firm of which we do not know the name.

Please come back as we share the rest of the Frances and Edward story!

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